With time, I’ve learned that the most important things in life are the things that bring us the most joy. For me, this has been family, relatives, friends, my work, doing for others, wearing colorful things, and watching my plant babies in my classroom window grow and flourish. Just being plain old me!! I have learned to do things with purpose and I have received and continue to receive many blessings as a result.
Today I celebrate my partnership with the amazing women of the Ayebase Enterprise Cooperative in Bolgatanga, Ghana. As a partner of "Sherigu Nyokoko" one of the 6 women groups of the Cooperative, I’ve agreed to purchase their handmade woven baskets and bags at the price they set, and provide supplies and monetary assistance to their children at the beginning of every school year. This because I'm a strong believer in education and women empowerment. As result, a portion of the purchase of each woven bag or basket goes back to the women in order to help fulfill this promise. I am very blessed and proud to be able to do this.
I pray that God continues to add to my age so that I’m able to fulfill all my commitments and partnerships for as long as I am able to.
I thank God for bringing me this far and asking for grace and increased blessings for the unknown future.
#livingingapurposefullife #walkinginpurpose
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